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Apple Photos 3: Changes, new features, and improvements

“Photos 3, part of macOS High Sierra, doesn’t bring much that’s truly new,” Glenn Fleishman writes for Macworld. “Apple acknowledges this by listing changes as a combination of improvements and enhancements, a welcome bit of frankness.”

“But Photos has come a long way since its first release in April 2015. That initial foray at replacing iPhoto with something fresher, faster, and better often fell short, because it was missing many features that people relied on with iPhoto,” Fleishman writes. “Apple released regular updates, however, and features returned, new ones appeared, and existing ones matured.”

Fleishman writes, “Let’s dig deeper into how Photos has changed.”

Read more in the full article – recommended for Photos usershere.

MacDailyNews Take: “People” is certainly improved and, now that it finally syncs across devices signed in with the same Apple ID, much more useful.

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