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Reliving that OS X Snow Leopard magic

“Enthusiasts of all types always have that one special obsession. For muscle car people, maybe it’s one particular year of Ford Mustang,” Stephen Hackett writes for MacStories. “Photographers always have a favorite lens, while baseball players may have a favored bat or glove.”

“Ask almost any macOS fan, and they’ll tell you that Snow Leopard is their favorite version of all time,” Hackett writes. “There are a bunch of good reasons for that, beyond pure nostalgia.”

“Since 2009, a handful of releases have been compared to Snow Leopard. Since Apple’s move to an annual cycle, OS releases have become smaller and less important. None, I think, have truly earned the Snow Leopard badge until this year with High Sierra,” Hackett writes. “Time will tell if High Sierra joins Snow Leopard in the Hall of Fame, but I bet it will. A focus on polish and shoring up the foundations will always be welcome words to the Mac faithful.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: For those who haven’t been partaking in betas, you’re really going o love macOS High Sierra!

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