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Apple’s iOS 11 has gone from awful to awesome

“iOS 11 was introduced at Apple’s Worldwide Developer Conference keynote on June 5, and the first public beta appeared at the end of the month. I made the decision to jump to the beta as soon as it was released, so I took the plunge and decided to run the operating system on my daily driver iPhone,” Adrian Kingsley-Hughes writes for ZDNet. “What a mistake that was.”

“For a public beta, the early releases of iOS 11 were really flaky and temperamental, and the worst I remember from Apple in years. Not only were they buggy, crashy, and incredibly slow, but also a lot of stuff was badly broken,” Kingsley-Hughes writes. “Battery life was also terrible.”

Kingsley-Hughes writes, “But over the months the betas got better (as you’d expect), and with the latest iOS 11 public beta 9, the releases have gone from being some of the worst I’ve seen from Apple, to some of the very best.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Yes, iOS 11 is nearly ready for prime time!

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