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Apple CEO Tim Cook gives brilliant advice for career success

“During a tour of India last year, Apple CEO Tim Cook got quite a few things checked off his to-do list, including meeting with Prime Minister Narenda Modi,” Marcel Schwantes writes for Inc. “He also strategically squeezed in an Indian Premier League (IPL) cricket match into his schedule.”

“Strategically, I say, because Cook foresaw three things to further Apple’s brand position in India: 1) Cricket is that country’s No. 1 sport. 2) The Indian Premier League’s broadcasts of its cricket matches frequently reach millions of viewers. A good number of them fit into Apple’s younger demographics. 3) While Apple’s global brand is strong, its brand awareness is very low in India. One research estimates nearly half of all Indians are unaware of the iPhone or even know who Apple is,” Schwantes writes. “Knowing this, Cook took to the sidelines of an electrifying Cricket match with a packed house in Uttar Pradesh, and was interviewed by sportscaster Alan Wilkins.”

Wilkins asked, “‘We have a lot of young viewers… if you had three key points for personal success from the chief executive officer from Apple, what would you say to our young viewers?'” Schwantes writes. “Cook’s brilliant response: ‘Do what you love, and put your whole heart into it, and then just have fun.'”

Much more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Before we suffer any New-Agey overdoses, it also helps if doing what you love pays well.

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