Varjo unveils first human eye-resolution VR solution

“Finnish tech startup Varjo [“shadow” in Finnish] has emerged this month from stealth mode. The company promises to jump-start the next computing platform in VR/AR/XR immersive display technologies,” Anthony Frausto-Robledo reports for Architosh. “The company is now demonstrating the world’s first Human eye-resolution head-mounted display for upcoming Varjo-branded immersive computing products.”

“Varjo claims its VR technology is 10 years ahead of the industry,” Frausto-Robledo reports. “Designed for professionals users and with resolutions greater than 70x beyond what any currently shipping or announced head-mounted display (including Magic Leap), Varjo’s 20/20 technology is a major advancement offering users unprecedented levels of virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality solutions.”

“Varjo’s technology is patented technology that replicates how the human eye naturally works, creating super-high resolution images to the user’s gaze direction,” Frausto-Robledo reports. “That technology is combined with ‘video-see-through’ technologies (VST) for unparalleled AR/MR capabilities.”

“For a comparison, Varjo 20/20, the code name for its product that will ship in Q4, 2017, has an effective resolution of 70 MP with 100 percent field of view (FoV),” Frausto-Robledo reports. “Today Oculus and Vive have an effective resolution of 1.2 MP with 100 percent FoV. Oculus chief scientist Michael Abrash at the Oculus Connect 3 event predicted back in 2016 that Oculus would reach 16 MP with 140 percent FoV in five years time (2021).”

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Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Other VR firms are today experiencing something akin to what BlackBerry, Nokia, Motorola, etc. experienced (or deluded themselves into denial) on January 9, 2007.

The countdown to Varjo’s acquisition has already begun…


  1. It’s still head mounted, therefore it will still be a niched product. None of this stuff will be totally mainstream until it no longer requires special gear. There is a reason 3D movies and TV didn’t go anywhere (hint: it wasn’t the content).

  2. I think this product is oriented to industrial visualization and public demonstrations but not for the general user. Super interesting and disruptive anyway

    Looking at the video I can speculate this technology is oriented to visualize a specific very high resolution model as one complex engine or a building. This is essential to understand a complete high resolution 3D world with characters, interactivity, post-processing, etc like a videogame at such high resolution will be unviable for distribution. The game will need a dedicated storage system and will be almost impossible for online distribution. And second, they don’t specify yet the system requirements or how will they move all this data. Will they use proprietary graphic cards. Or will this require 2, 4 or more of the most powerful GPUs available this year

  3. Not sure who wrote this and why (on this particular story, on this particular site, with no relevance to the substance), but I can mostly agree with the premise that yes, it will be much less of an achievement when next woman gets nomination.

    Having said that, it is quite unfortunate that the outcome of the US presidential election has, among other things, produced a significant reversal of all that was achieved for gender equality. The president’s sexist tweets and gestures about women have unleashed a massive response among the men who used to feel that men’s supremacy has been eroded, and that women have forgotten their place in the society (in the kitchen / bedroom). For all the progress on women’s rights, Trump has, in very short time span, made it OK again for a good number of American men to consider women eye / arm candy, with the only important thing for them being their beauty / waist line / bust size. When you look at responses to Trump’s tweets about some of these women, you see men, coming out of hiding, liberated, now that they can freely say what president himself is saying: we love women when they are skinny, pretty, sexy, obedient and servile. They need to shut up and let men do the work.

    As much as the nomination of Clinton has achieved in signaling that a barrier has been broken and women can be equal to men even at that level, all of it has effectively been wiped out by the misogyny of president Trump. And that’s a real shame.

  4. All well and good that you can see models at super high res. But without an equally innovative interface with which to build and manipulate models it’s mostly a gimmick. Give me that CAD input UI without heavy goggles and I’m sold.

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