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Video showdown: Apple’s Siri vs. Google Assistant

“With developers already busy dissecting every major and minor change in iOS 11, some folks have been putting the next-gen version of Siri through the [w]ringer and seeing how it stacks up against Google Assistant,” Yoni Heisler reports for BGR.

“The following video shows just how far Siri in iOS 11 has come,” Heisler reports. “In the first set of queries — which includes some basic questions about the weather and Donald Trump — we see that Siri responds much quicker than usual.”

“What’s more, Siri can handle contextual questions with ease, most notably when it is able to inform the user who Donald Trump’s wife is when asked ‘Who’s his wife?'” Heisler reports. ‘”Not only that, but you’ll also note that Siri provides much more information in its answer compared to Google Assistant.'”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: iOS 11’s Siri smokes Google’s Siri wannabe!

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