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Burger King TV commercial triggers Google Home devices to launch into ad spiel

“In the latest example of marketers entering the living room, Burger King will release television commercials on Tuesday that are intended to prompt voice-activated smart speakers from Google into describing its burgers — after the 15-second spots end,” Sapna Maheshwari reports for The new York Times.

“A video from one of the fast-food chain’s marketing agencies showed the stunt in action: ‘You’re watching a 15-second Burger King ad, which is unfortunately not enough time to explain all the fresh ingredients in the Whopper sandwich,’ the commercial’s actor says,” Maheshwari reports. “He continues, ‘But I got an idea. O.K. Google, what is the Whopper burger?’ Prompted by the phrase ‘O.K. Google,’ the Google Home device next to the TV in the video lights up, runs a search and states its ingredients.”

“It’s a novel but potentially invasive marketing tactic that comes as more Americans use smart speakers in their homes, a trend led by Amazon’s Echo device and its virtual assistant, Alexa,” Maheshwari reports. “The commercial, which will run Wednesday on networks like MTV and Bravo and late-night shows starring Jimmy Fallon and Jimmy Kimmel, provides another example of marketing on Google Home in the past month, though in this case, Burger King said Google was not involved.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Is it a home invasion if you’ve flung the door wide open and not only invited the invader in, but paid for the privilege?

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