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How to set up your Mac with an external GPU

“External GPUs are in the news lately, what with NVIDIA’s announcement offering macOS drivers for its Titan Xp, so we thought we’d take a second to explain what, exactly, an external GPU is — and how you’d go about getting one,” Serenity Caldwell writes for iMore.

“Like external hard drives, [external GPUs] essentially allow you to stick a GPU in a Thunderbolt housing, where you can then connect it to your computer; from there, when you run games and visual apps optimized for that GPU you should see significant performance improvements,” Caldwell writes. “Awesome, right? Well, almost.”

“Here’s the issue: Macs don’t officially support external GPUs,” Caldwell writes. “That’s not to say you can’t use an external GPU, only that Apple Support won’t bail you out if you do something that doesn’t agree with your Mac. Proceed at your own risk, here be dragons, et cetera.”

Read more in the full article here.

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