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Facebook has no plans to bring Oculus Rift VR to the Mac anytime soon

“While so many virtual reality hardware companies have been tasked only with selling their own product, Oculus has had the intense challenge of building the entire industry’s ecosystem for the last several years,” Lucas Matney reports for TechCrunch. “That growth has come with some hiccups by way of lawsuits, product launch delays and executive shakeups, but Oculus is still very much alive and well under its parent company, Facebook, which has placed the company at the forefront of its 10-year project to take VR mainstream.”

“I had a chance to sit down with Oculus’ co-founder and head of Rift Nate Mitchell to hear about the company’s latest price cuts, some of the internal reorganizations within the company and what the likelihood was of getting Rift support on the Mac,” Matney reports. “During our interview, I noticed Mitchell’s work laptop, a last-gen MacBook Pro, sitting in the corner of the room, at which point I asked about the Rift’s lack of support for Mac.”

“Earlier Oculus development kits initially supported some of Apple’s more full-featured computers, but the more stringent spec requirements of the Rift ultimately left Mac users out of the loop for the product’s consumer launch,” Matney reports. “Mitchell tells me that Mac support is still something the company is looking at, but it may not be coming for a bit. ‘It’s something near and dear to my heart, we’re just not there quite yet,’ he says. ‘We do want to do OS X (macOS) support for Rift, it’s not something that’s currently on the roadmap for — I can even say — the next six months,’ Mitchell tells me.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Whatever.

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