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Foxconn has 10 lights-out production lines, aims to fully automate entire factories

“Foxconn Electronics is automating production at its factories in China in three phases, aiming to fully automate entire factories eventually, according to general manager Dai Jia-peng for Foxconn’s Automation Technology Development Committee,” Chia-Han Lee and Adam Hwang report for DigiTimes.

• Phase 1: Individual automated work stations for work that workers are unwilling to do or is dangerous.
• Phase 2: Entire production lines will be automated.
• Phase 3: Entire factories will be automated with only a minimal number of workers assigned for production, logistics, testing and inspection processes

“Foxconn’s factories in Chengdu, western China, Shenzhen, southern China, and Zhengzhou, northern China, have been brought to the second or third phase, Dai said,” Lee and Hwang report. “There are 10 lights-out (fully automated) production lines at some factories.”

Lee and Hwang report, “Although robotic technology keeps improving, industrial robots will not be able to completely replace workers because humans have the flexibility to quickly switch from one task to another, Dai noted.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Apple iPhones, iPads, and Macs are assembled by Foxconn in Zhengzhou, Chengdu, and Shenzhen, among other locations.

The robots will come eventually. There are too many benefits. They don’t get tired. They don’t make mistakes. They don’t jump off roofs. They don’t have tubs o’ lard lying about them in one-fat-ass plays. Etc. — MacDailyNews, December 5, 2014

Welcome to the future – finally! (Even though we’d prefer Fembots.)

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