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Apple’s smartest moves of 2016

“Apple pissed off a lot of people in 2016,” Lewis Wallace writes for Cult of Mac. “In hindsight, some of Cupertino’s moves look clumsy, and others seem truly clueless, but Tim Cook and Co. also made some brilliant moves during this turbulent year.”

Wallace writes, “Let’s go to our happy place and relive the smartest moves made by Apple in 2016.”

“Apple didn’t forget about the little people in 2016. (Or the big people with tiny, tiny hands). The iPhone SE blasted onto the scene early in the year, with a 4-inch screen and a design nicked from the iPhone 5s,” Wallace writes. “The new Home app in iOS 10 puts a shiny face on the smart home. Yes, we’re still waiting for the big wave of HomeKit-enabled hardware to arrive, but the products are coming (look for even more to pop up during next week’s big CES show in Las Vegas). In the meantime, the Home app is truly a delight.”

“The Apple Watch Series 2 costs the same as the original Apple Watch, but the new Apple Watch Series 1 — which packs a processor upgrade over the original model — costs far less,” Wallace writes. “This lower price point makes it much more attainable, much more giftable, and much more likely to be bought on a whim. And that’s what Apple Watch needs to break into the mainstream.”

More of Apple’s smart moves in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Wallace certainly get it right by naming Apple’s principled stand for privacy as Cupertino’s finest moment.

Also, don’t be surprised if Apple drops some meaningful Apple Watch numbers soon.

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