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Apple patching Safari flaw revealed at PWNFEST

“Security conference organizer Vangelis has tweeted that a joint team of Pangu and JH hackers have successfully claimed the maximum $100,000 prize on offer at the PWNFEST event for finding a Safari exploit that gave them root access on macOS Sierra,” Ben Lovejoy reports for 9to5Mac.

“Safari wasn’t the only browser to fall victim at the PWNFEST conference: Microsoft Edge running under Windows 10 was also hacked,” Lovejoy reports, “and Google saw its latest Pixel fall to a team which was able to achieve remote code execution to win a $120k prize.”

Lovejoy reports, “All systems hacked were running the latest versions. Details of all the exploits will be passed to the companies concerned to enable the software to be patched to prevent black-hat hackers using them for nefarious purposes.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: And Safari gets even more secure!

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