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Apple to announce new way for viewers to discover TV shows through Apple TV app

“Apple plans to announce this week a new way for viewers to discover TV shows through an app, people with knowledge of the project told USA Today,” Dawn Chmielewski reports for USA Today. “Described to network executives as ‘the Watch List,’ the app will recommend shows based on the content viewers access through their Apple TVs. For example, a subscriber to FX Networks might be encouraged to check out the new dramatic series Atlanta.”

Chmielewski reports, “An Apple spokesperson declined to comment on the announcement slated for Thursday.”

MacDailyNews Take: Shocking.

Chmielewski reports, “For network programmers, it provides a central hub for promoting new shows — a helpful tool at a time when old programming tricks for launching a new series, such as wedging a freshman show next to a hit program, don’t work in the digital world.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Okay, great. “For You” for TV shows. Thrilling. Can’t wait.


But, how about some effing 4K support in 2016, for Jobs’ sake?!

Let’s at least get the basics in place first, shall we?

Apple’s often ass-backwards, always-unfinished, amateurish-in-spots, ever-rudderless Apple TV endeavor remains laughable in too many ways.

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