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Apple’s Metal and how it can impact Mac gaming

“When Apple announced Metal for macOS at the 2015 WWDC keynote, I was super excited,” Ric Molina reports for Mac Gamer HQ. “Metal was a set of 3D tools that should optimize GPU usage and maximize the graphics potential of your Mac. It sounded like a dream come true for gamers and developers alike. The thing that could take Mac gaming to the next level.”

“But then the year went by and nothing happened. Metal for Mac was never mentioned during 2016’s WWDC keynote and over a year in (a Mac Metal version was first introduced with El Capitan), not a single game supported it,” Molina reports. “It all started to sound like a marketing gimmick that wouldn’t change a thing.”

“Until Blizzard updated World of Warcraft to support Metal and performance took off (61% faster to be exact). Soon after, Feral Interactive confirmed Deus Ex: Mankind Divided will support it too. It seems Apple just needed a little more time and Brianna Wu from iMore was right all along: Metal for OS X is huge,” Molina reports. “But to better understand how important Metal can truly be for gaming, I decided to sit down with Andy Wood, Head of Commercial at Feral Interactive, and ask a few questions.”

Full interview – recommendedhere.

MacDailyNews Take: Hopefully, after a long gestation period, Metal support can really begin to proliferate.

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