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Apple iPhone 7 goes scuba diving, records 4K underwater

“Apple’s iPhone 7 is claimed to be IP67 rated, making it suitable for water resistance at a depth of 1m for up to thirty minutes,” Oliver Haslam reports for Redmond Pie.That’s great if you happen to drop your iPhone in the bath, or for some reason, feel the need to reply to emails in the shower, but there will always be someone who takes things a little bit further.”

“Perhaps too far, in fact, but it usually makes for great entertainment when they do,” Haslam reports. “So when we heard about one YouTube taking an iPhone 7 for scuba diving, our ears pricked up.”

Haslam reports, “If you check the video out, you will notice that the iPhone was recording 4K video throughout the testing, which shows that the device was still functioning A-OK during all but the final depth tests.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Now all we need is an Apple TV that can play back 4K video!

The 4K video shot by iPhone 7 Plus is rather amazing (especially to those of us who formerly worked in the television business; the amount and weight and size of the equipment replaced by an iPhone 7 Plus is amazing, as it the indescribably huge increase in quality, resolution, image stabilization, etc.)

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