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Mossberg on running Windows 10 on your Mac: New Parallels 12 does the job well

“I’m writing this paragraph in Word for Windows on Windows 10. The process is as smooth as you’d expect on PC hardware built for Windows, with no hesitation or freezing, and all the features are enabled,” Walt Mossberg writes for The Verge. “But I’m not using a Windows PC; I’m using a three-year-old MacBook Air. And I haven’t had to give over the Air entirely to Windows. Instead, I’m running Windows 10 and its apps concurrently with the brand-new macOS Sierra. For instance, the Windows version of Word is running in its own window, right alongside open Mac apps, including Apple Mail and Safari.”

“I’m doing this all with the new version of a 10-year-old program, Parallels Desktop, from a Seattle-area company of the same name, which came out last month for $80,” Mossberg writes. “It’s faster and smoother than ever, and has some new tricks, including a new Mac utility suite that’s also sold separately.”

“With Parallels Desktop, I can hop back and forth between Sierra and Windows 10 — and even between individual apps — with ease,” Mossberg writes. “Through all this, the aging Air performed smoothly and quickly, even though I’m now running three Windows apps and 11 Mac apps, including two browsers — Microsoft Edge and Apple Safari — with about 15 tabs open, total. That includes two instances of the constantly updating TweetDeck app for Twitter power users.”

Much more in the full review here.

MacDailyNews Take: Hey, if you have to stoop to doing it, at least you can do it on quality Mac hardware, right?

Parallels is the smoothest way to slum it with Windows on your Mac.

ZDNet reviews Parallels Desktop 12 For Mac: ‘A worthwhile upgrade’ – August 22, 2016

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