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Why Apple removed the headphone jack from the iPhone 7 – as explained by Steve Jobs

“When Phil Schiller used the term ‘courage’ to describe Apple’s decision to remove the 3.5mm headphone socket from the iPhone 7, his choice of that particular word was probably not accidental,” Ben Lovejoy writes for 9to5Mac. “It’s likely a reference to a comment by Steve Jobs when he was asked to explain another controversial omission of an established standard: the lack of support for Flash in the iPhone and iPad.”

We’re trying to make great products for people, and we have at least the courage of our convictions to say we don’t think this is part of what makes a great product, we’re going to leave it out. Some people are going to not like that, they’re going to call us names […] but we’re going to take the heat [and] instead focus our energy on these technologies which we think are in their ascendancy and we think are going to be the right technologies for customers. And you know what? They’re paying us to make those choices […] If we succeed, they’ll buy them, and if we don’t, they won’t, and it’ll all work itself out. — Steve Jobs

Lovejoy writes, “He could honestly have been talking about the headphone socket there, and the same points would apply, word for word.”

Read more and watch the short video of Steve Jobs here.

MacDailyNews Take: It’s interesting and speaks well of Apple’s attention to detail that the iPhone 7 promotional wallpaper bubble colors match the colors of the iMac G3 (see full article) – which killed the floppy drive.

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