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Irish residents opposed to EU’s tax demand of Apple

“Across Cork, [Ireland] — where Apple has its European headquarters — residents appear strongly in favor of letting the company off its massive 13 billion euro ($14.5 billion) tax demand from the EU,” Hazel Pfeifer reports for CNN. “The Irish government will decide Friday whether to appeal a ruling from the European Commission that requires it to collect back taxes from Apple.”

“The technology giant employs almost 5,000 locals in a city with a population of about 125,000. And its presence since 1980 has attracted other large multinationals like Pfizer and EMC,” Pfeifer reports. “There is a strong sense that the city owes its success to the company. People feel they’ve benefited directly from foreign investment, and are worried about anything that puts it at risk.”

“Pat O’Connell, a Cork fishmonger who has been in business in the area since 1963, said Apple has been crucial to the development of the city over the past 35 years. ‘From an Irishman’s point of view and from a Cork man’s point of view, Apple are very much part of Cork,'” Pfeifer reports. “Claire Nash, a restaurant owner, said she didn’t like the EU meddling. ‘Why should anyone dictate our tax affairs? I think it’s preposterous the EU would do it.'”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Listen to the citizens of Ireland, EU!

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