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Apple drops ‘store’ from Apple store branding

“Apple appears to be making a slight branding change to its retail business, dropping the ‘Store’ moniker when referring to its Apple Store locations,” Juli Clover reports for MacRumors. “Apple has already made the change online, and all of its store pages now refer to stores by names like ‘Apple Union Square’ or ‘Apple Valley Fair’ or ‘Apple The Grove,’ instead of ‘Apple Store, Valley Fair’ or ‘Apple Store, The Grove.'”

“It’s a change that appears to have started rolling out with the launch of the newer Apple Stores, like the Union Square location in San Francisco,” Clover reports. “Apple has always referred to that store as just Apple Union Square, and over the course of the last few days, the company has updated all of its retail store webpages to remove the ‘Store’ branding.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: They are more than just “stores,” so it make perfect sense not to call them that. It’s also a nice bonus to finally be losing that inelegant comma from the locations’ names.

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