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Apple Campus 2 August 2016 construction update in 4K drone flyover

Via YouTuber Matthew Roberts, check out the latest progress made at Apple Campus 2.

Featuring stunning shots of Apple’s soon-to-be occupied “spaceship,” auditorium, R&D center, and more.

Landscaping and other smaller structures are beginning to pop up throughout the campus.

MacDailyNews Take: The sooner they get in there and get settled, the better.

Inside Apple Campus 2 and its miles of sedak glass – July 13, 2016
Apple Campus 2 drone flyover reveals much progress – June 30, 2016
Check out Apple’s insanely ambitious tree-planting plans for its new spaceship campus – June 4, 2016
Drone footage shows progress at Apple’s spaceship-like Campus 2 – May 4, 2016

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