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Use your Mac’s standard OS X apps to optimize your home Wi-Fi network

“Some time ago I visited my parents, and as these things tend to go, they had a list of things that bothered them about their computers, iPhones and iPads and the Internet connection,” Boris Veldhuijzen Van Zanten reports for TNW.

“I like helping them, so tried optimizing their Wi-Fi network first,” Van Zanten reports. “In the past it would suffice to look at the AirPort symbol in the menu bar top right. If it would show a full signal (all bars black) it would work, and if it didn’t, it wouldn’t. But it seems that the AirPort symbol now always displays a full signal, even when the signal is bad.”

Van Zanten reports, “Fortunately, there is an easy way to check signal-strength, and it is just a few clicks away.”

Read more in the full article here.

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