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Apple could more than double the cost of the next Apple TV

“According to 9to5Mac, the fourth-generation Apple TV could be priced as high as $149 or $199, almost double the current sale price of $69 for a third generation device,” Laura Lorenzetti reports for Fortune.

MacDailyNews Note: “Almost” double? $69 x 2 = $138. $149 or $199 are “more than” double.

Lorenzetti reports, “9to5Mac reports that Apple plans to continue to sell the third generation product as an entry-level model alongside the more powerful new Apple TV.”

Full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Whatever the final price, we’re fairly sure that the features offered will make it seem worthwhile to those who understand what the device offers. It’s rare that Apple misprices hardware products.

We’re really going to want to upgrade to ATV4 ASAP in order to get Siri support, the new remote controller, what we assume is an improved ATV4-only user interface, the Apple TV App Store, (hopefully) system-wide search, and the promise of Apple’s Internet TV service in the future.

Apple TV 4 coming in October for under $200, Apple TV 3 becomes entry level; both get new streaming service – August 30, 2015

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