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The hidden editing power of Photos for OS X

“Photos for OS X is designed to appeal to a broad audience, with simple editing tools that let anyone improve their photographs,” Jeff Carlson reports for Macworld. “But is that it? Even though it’s a 1.0 product (replacing iPhoto and Aperture), a lot of editing power is actually hidden beneath that user-friendly surface.”

“For example, when you edit a photo and click the Adjust button, you’re presented with sliders for improving light and color,” Carlson reports. “Dragging a slider makes the image brighter or darker (Light), or more or less saturated (Color); you can also click the Auto button that appears when the mouse pointer moves over the tool. Clicking the down-facing arrow icon, however, exposes individual controls.”

Carlson reports, “That’s just the beginning… Photos for OS X turns out to be a much more capable photo editor than it first appears, which is a good place to start moving forward.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Overall, Photos is a marked improvement over iPhoto and lays a solid foundation for much more to come! (Now, if only someone would come tag each one of our 15+ years of digital photos!)

Next, hopefully, Apple will take iTunes out back and shoot it, too.

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