Three more industries that Apple could disrupt

“On January 2, 2012, I wrote a piece for Time Magazine titled ‘Four Industries Apple Can Disrupt in the Near Future,'” Tim Bajarin writes for Tech.pinions. “In it, I suggested Apple will someday impact the Auto, Watch, TV and Appliances industries. I encourage you to read it to see how close my predictions were three years back.”

“As I look at Apple today and try and peer into its future, I believe they are going to disrupt three other industries very soon. The first one is healthcare,” Bajarin writes. “I believe Apple’s vision for changing the healthcare market is actually an imperative given to the current leadership by Steve Jobs. Sources have told me that, when Jobs got sick in the early 2000s, he was dismayed by the disjointed nature of the healthcare system… Apple is now on a mission to deliver Jobs’ vision for the market and it will be the last major contribution to Apple’s future that Steve Jobs left us.”

“Another industry Apple is disrupting is the design world,” Bajarin writes. “Apple is even having a disruptive impact on construction and building codes… It appears Apple’s new campus will be studied by architects, builders and building designers and possibly be disruptive to this industry as well.”

Much more in the full article – recommended, as usualhere.

MacDailyNews Take: Apple’s health initiatives will actually prolong and save lives. That’s making a real difference.


  1. Virtually everyone I deal with fails to understand the extent to which “design” permeates every aspect of our daily lives. “Problem Solving & Design” are inseparable aspects of every persons daily life. No one I know lives naked in the woods. We are all surrounded by, and touching things designed by people. Each of us designs solutions to our daily problems, from the simplest to the most complex. From coordinating our attire, to preparing our meals, to performing our jobs. What Apple has brought to the forefront is the pure joy that emanates from interacting with objects of quality design. If each of us were to embrace the “Apple” standards of excellence in design, imagine how much more efficient, effective, sustainable, and pleasant our daily environment could be.

    People are inherently too busy, too scattered, or too lazy to put the quality effort into first learning how to put their best into their own problem solving/design efforts, and then holding that as a “standard” that becomes philosophically engrained as it has at Apple. I think, as long as Apple is able to maintain their corporate culture, the legacy of Jobs, then they will continue to excell against other less design obsessed competitors.

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