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PC shipments plunge, but Apple Mac sales surge

“Fewer and fewer people are buying PCs, unless they are made by Apple, latest industry data show,” Arjun Kharpal reports for CNBC.

“Global PC shipments plunged to a worse-than-expected 66.1 million units in the second quarter of 2015, marking an 11.8 percent year-on-year decline, according to a report by IDC,” Kharpal reports. “But Apple was the only company to buck the trend and posted a 16.1 percent rise year-on-year rise in PC shipments.”

“Apple launched a new Macbook earlier this year which it dubbed the ‘thinnest, lightest and most beautiful’ notebook it has ever made,” Kharpal reports. “This was one of the reasons why the Cupertino, CA giant managed to increase shipments, despite the overall market decreasing.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: The new MacBook really is gorgeous. If you haven’t yet seen on in person, do so. It’s a work of art.

As we have always said, even as many short-sightedly waved (and continue to wave) the white flag, the war is not over. And, yes, we shall prevail…MacDailyNews Take, January 10, 2005

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