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Apple’s iPhone 6 beats Samsung’s new Galaxy S6 in gaming performance

“Our latest report, “Battle of the Sixes,” has just been published and it offers something pretty interesting: The first objective comparison of the Apple iPhone 6 and the Samsung Galaxy S6 on the basis of real-world gaming performance,” GameBench reports.

“We’re able to do this thanks to the iOS version of GameBench, which, in concert with the Android version, means we can test the same games according to the same criteria (namely, graphical smoothness) across both platforms,” GameBench reports. “We’ve picked a sample of ten high-end games for this purpose, including titles like GTA: San Andreas, Monument Valley and Marvel: Contest of Champions. For some added context, we’ve also included performance data for the Google Nexus 6 and the HTC One M9.”

“You can see a snapshot of our results in in the graphs below, which reveal a 10 percent average lead for the iPhone 6 across the ten high-end games that we tested,” GameBench reports. “The iPhone 6 tended to run games more smoothly, with a higher average frame rate that was very stable and rarely dropped below 30fps. The Galaxy S6 came a pretty close second, with a greater frequency of performance bottlenecks that pushed the framerate below the 30fps threshold. The HTC One M9 and Nexus 6 came third of and fourth respectively, showing serious performance slow-downs in some games.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: As we wrote back in October:

Apple, the only smartphone maker who’s not saddled with off-the-shelf processors and an off-the-shelf operating system, tailors the hardware to the software and vice versa. The wannabes simply have no hope to match Apple’s iPhone with their mismatched, off-the-rack commodity hardware and lowest common denominator software.

The gulf between Apple’s revolutionary iPhone and the consumer-grade knockoffs only grows wider with each successive iPhone generation.

Related article:
Apple’s 64-bit A8-powered iPhone 6 destroys Samsung Galaxy S5, HTC One (M8) in speed test – October 2, 2014

[Attribution: BGR. Thanks to MacDailyNews Readers “Brawndo Drinker” and “John Burroughs” for the heads up.]

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