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Apple puts the big hurt on Samsung

“Things are not looking so good for Samsung in the smartphone market, especially as it faces its Apple nemesis,” Matt Hamblen reports for Computerworld.

“Samsung is likely to see Apple iPhones rise to the top spot in 2015, pushing Samsung and its Galaxy and other smartphone models into second place,” Hamblen reports. “What’s more, Apple is releasing in April its first Apple Watch, which could knock the wind out of smartwatch competitors including Samsung, which already has several models on the market. ‘No question, 2015 is going to be a challenging year for Samsung,’ said IDC analyst Ryan Reith.”

Hamblen reports, “Samsung seems to miss something basic that Apple is really good at: Long-term market research about what technologies matter most to buyers and the ability to act on those insights.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Samsung has no ecosystem of which to speak. Even after years of trade dress and patent infringement, Samsung simply cannot compete with Apple because they don’t offer anything unique that users value.

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