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Are iOS and OS X heading towards a merger?

“I made a comment a while back, almost a joke really, that when iOS made it to version 9, that would be the end of it,” E. Werner Reschke writes for TGAAP. “Why? Because iOS 10 would become iOS X and we would then see the culmination of what Apple has been doing for since the exit of Scott Forstall, replaced with Johnny Ive’s as lead OS dude — one OS that works on both desktop and mobile devices.”

“Interestingly enough this is where Microsoft started with Windows 8, or at least tried, by making Windows an OS that worked on desktops, to Surface, to smartphones, functioning with minor differences between devices. Of course this has been an utter failure, and Microsoft is racing to Windows 10 as fast as they can,” Reschke writes. “But before dismissing this concept completely, perhaps Microsoft has only shown poor execution and not poor strategy.”

“When and how would this type of transition work may be unclear, but the why is fairly obvious,” Reschke writes. “For both Apple and their developers, it is much easier to build and support one OS than two, and moving iOS developers upstream to a desktop-level world would benefit Apple and its users immensely.”

Read more in the full article here.

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