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Apple iOS 8 adoption around 50%, iPhone 6 adoption sets record

“Within the first twenty-four hours, iOS 8 update appeared to be slower than its predecessors. A few weeks in, this continues to be the case says analytics firm Fiksu,” Benjamin Mayo reports for 9to5Mac. “After twelve days, both iOS 6 and iOS 7 had comfortably crossed the 50% mark for iOS usage. By contrast, iOS 8 is yet to hit the 40% mark according to Fiksu’s measurements. An independent study from Mixpanel says iOS 8 is closer to 50%, but it is still far behind iOS 7’s rate of uptake.”

“Meanwhile, iPhone 6 adoption is record-setting,” Mayo reports. “The iPhone 5 and iPhone 5s followed near-identical growth path, but the iPhone 6 is more than double that rate. As of 17 days since release, the iPhone 6 has touched the 4% level. For comparison, the combined share of the iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c was about 3% in the same period.”

“That’s without adding in [the severed supply constrained] iPhone 6 Plus,” Mayo reports. “From this data, both models of iPhone 6 crossed 5% of total iPhone usage in under 18 days. This is roughly twice the combined uptake of the iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: We believe some users knew they were getting an new iPhone 6 or 6 Plus and therefore held off upgrading the current iPhones to iOS 8. The popularity of iPhone 6/Plus and the backorders are a contributing factor to the slower ramp for iOS 8 adoption.

Related article:
Apple says iOS 8 adoption already at 46% – September 23, 2014

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