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Florida man demands right to wed his porn-laden Apple MacBook

“Chris Sevier, a man from Florida, believes he should be allowed to wed his Macbook,” David Millward reports for The Telegraph. “Mr Sevier argues that if gays should be allowed to marry, then so should other sexual minorities.”

“Mr Sevier states he has fallen in love with a pornography laden computer,” Millward reports. “‘Over time, I began preferring sex with my computer over sex with real women,’ he told a court in Florida. This appears to be not a passing holiday romance, but a lifelong commitment. If gays have the right to ‘marry their object of sexual desire, even if they lack corresponding sexual parts, then I should have the right to marry my preferred sexual object,’ he said. Mr Sevier, who describes himself as ‘a former judge advocate and combat veteran,’ is persistent, filing claims not only in Florida but also Utah.”

“If gays feel as is they are second class citizens, Mr Sevier argues then ‘those of us in the real minority, who want to marry machines and animals, certainly feel like third class citizens,'” Millward reports. “Mr Sevier apparently sought a marriage licence for himself and his ‘machine spouse,’ but for some reason was denied. ‘The exclusion from marriage to a machine denies myself a dignity and status of immense import,’ he argues in his motion.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Unconscious coupling.

If the name Chris Sevier rings a bell, it’s because he’s the sane, oops, typo… same gentleman who sued Apple last year because its devices can display porn.

God Bless America.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews readers far, far too numerous to mention individually for the heads up.]

Related article:
Apple sued because its devices can display porn – July 12, 2013

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