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Ballmer wishes for 10 year do-over, says Microsoft missed the mobile market

“Microsoft Corp largely missed the mobile market in the last decade, its recently departed chief executive officer said Tuesday,” Lisa Fleisher reports for The Wall Street Journal.

“Speaking at the Saïd Business School in Oxford, U.K., Steve Ballmer, who stepped down from Microsoft one month ago, admitted that he would re-do the last ten years if he could,” Fleisher reports. “‘We would have a stronger position in the phone market today if I could re-do the last 10 years,’ he said. The answer, he said, is to pick up and try to catch the next wave.”

“‘I’m a very interested board member,’ he said of the company he joined in 1980 and headed since 2000. ‘I own 4% of Microsoft,’ he said. ‘I care a lot about my child, and my investment, and therefore the investment of the other owners of our company,'” Fleisher reports. “Mr. Ballmer said he sees technology playing a major role in two areas in the future: bringing the next billion people into the consumer economy, and disrupting entire fields that are still slow to change, healthcare and education.”

“One student asked what it was like to be incredibly wealthy and powerful,” Fleisher reports. “Mr. Ballmer said that he usually would have punted on a question like that. But now that he’s retired? He felt free to say what he really felt: ‘I can play just about any golf course I want.'”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Ballmer T. Clown would need to go back longer than just ten years.

Steve Jobs was already handing Gates and him their asses well before 2004.

Sniff. Okay, we admit it:

We miss the big dumb monkey already!

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Dominick P.” for the heads up.]

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