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Apple iPhones, iPads on display at Shenzhen China Mobile store

“I walked by a China Mobile store (Link City in Shenzhen’s Futian district) on my way to dinner tonight and lo and behold, there were not only (a lot of) iPhone advertisements but also actual iPhones and iPads on display,” PRC and ME reports. “This was a first.”

“Advertisements on the wall showed what I believe to be discount pricing (probably with contract) of 4380元 ($723) for the iPhone 5s and 3380元 ($558) for the 5c,” PRC and ME reports. “Of the two display tables in the store, one was dedicated to iPhones and iPads and there was a pretty good crowd around the table as I passed by. Not only were there Apple advertisements all over the place, but even Phil Schiller was present, his A7 chip announcement playing on a flatscreen TV.”

PRC and ME reports, “A majority of the ad and display space in the store had been dedicated to Apple. If this is any indication, China Mobile is planning to aggressively promote their new Apple partnership in the hopes of blunting any advances from China Unicom and Telecom.”

Apple iPhones and iPads on sale at China Mobile store in Shenzhen (photo: PRC and ME)

Read more in the full article here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Dan K.” for the heads up.]

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