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Dropbox CEO claims Steve Jobs vowed to ‘kill’ Dropbox with iCloud

“Dropbox founder and CEO Drew Houston knew he’d arrived with his cloud storage and syncing service when Apple Inc. was interested in talking about an acquisition,” Brian Jackson reports for IT Business Canada. “Not interested in selling the firm, he told late Apple CEO Steve Jobs as much, but Jobs was still interested in a meeting.”

“Jobs struck Houston as a straight talker. He told him he returned to Apple because he was frustrated that a company that convinced customers to pay a total of $7 billion a year to use their products could still lose $1 billion,” Reed reports. “But he was also direct with Houston, telling him that if he couldn’t acquire his startup, was going to come after Dropbox.”

“Six months after that meeting, Houston was watching a Jobs keynote and saw him make good on that promise,” Reed reports. “‘He was calling out by name and saying he wants to kill us with iCloud,’ Houston said.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Where did Jobs vow to kill Dropbox during his iCloud unveiling?

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