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New videos show leaked ‘Champagne’ and ‘Graphite’ iPhone 5S casings (with video)

“Two new videos published today give a detailed look at the casings of the ‘champagne’ colored iPhone 5S and the ‘graphite’ 5S, which first showed up in photos earlier this week,” Juli Clover reports for MacRumors.

“While there has been a non-stop stream of images and videos depicting the gold iPhone 5S, a video from TLD offers a good overview of both the casing and the structural differences between the iPhone 5S and the iPhone 5,” Clover reports.

Clover reports, “A second video from BestTechInfo offers a view of the purported black and ‘graphite’ version of the iPhone 5S compared to the existing black and slate iPhone 5.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Looks like Apple has learned from their mistake with the iPhone 4S.

As we explained on August 14th, before all of these “champagne gold” iPhone 5S leaks began:

One other thing we’d like to see is delineation in color for iPhone 5S vs. iPhone 5.

iPhone 5S should be set apart from the previous model. Where iPhone 5 is black or white, if Apple made iPhone 5S, say, “smoke” or “silver,” or whatever floats Jony’s boat (hold the pastels, please), it would help sway the types of customers who stuck with iPhone 4 instead of upgrading to iPhone 4S – or even purchased the less expensive 4 instead of the more capable 4S – because they were indistinguishable on the outside.

We’ve always believed that not making a distinguishable exterior change on the “S” models was a mistake that left iPhone sales on the table.

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