Apple website touts iOS 7 enterprise additions for business customers

“A new section added to Apple’s website promotes its upcoming iOS 7 mobile operating system to business customers, touting new features such as enhanced security, and new ways to configure and deploy devices at scale,” AppleInsider reports.

“With iOS 7, the new site touts, businesses will be able to control which applications and accounts are used to open documents and attachments,” AppleInsider reports. “This will help companies to protect corporate data by keeping work documents limited to corporate applications.”

AppleInsider reports, “Virtual private network support can also be enabled on an app-by-app basis. With iOS 7, companies will be able to configure apps to automatically connect to VPN when they are launched. Employees will also be able to authenticate into corporate apps with a single sign on, allowing credentials to be used across apps…”

Read more in the full article here.


  1. iOS 7 suffers from an over-reliance on flatness and overturns many OS edicts laid down by Steve Jobs, namely that the icons should look gorgeous and leverage Core Image that provides for pixel specific image renders to a useless flat interface that makes it difficult for users to differentiate apps and the background in which apps are housed.

    Flatness is really a step backwards in OS design. Apple is turning out to be a follower rather than a leader. Flat OS designs have been seen to fail in Windows 8, yet Apple is following in the footsteps of a failed OS rather than follow Steve’s tenets for good design.

    Someone should shake Cook awake from his slumber.

    1. Sorry, but you have no idea what the hell you’re talking about.

      There’s no “over-reliance” on flatness in iOS 7. The edict that Jobs laid down that icons should look gorgeous and leverage Core Image is in no way contradictory to the look and feel expressed in iOS 7, which is simpler, clearer, and more meaningful. Clearer iconography is especially useful since iOS os most often used on mobile devices, where users need to access information with quick glances and instead of long stares, instant recognition instead of visual decoding. If you’ve seen the glossy, glitzy compass icon once, you’ve seen it a million times. The adornment adds no meaning, and no functional value.

      Windows 8 isn’t failing because of the look and feel; it’s failing because Microsoft UI designers threw out long-established paradigms and did something totally different. There is nothing of the sort in iOS 7.

      Ive and his team have modernized iOS 7. They’ve done away the fake plastic shutters, polished brass door knocker, and shitty vinyl window planters, and replacing all that is a clean, modern design. Get used to it. It’s the future of iOS.

    2. Ya b1tch about skuemorphisms (sp?) and when Apple reduces or rids the OS of them ya b1tch about things being flat. Why don’t ya just leave the confines of the “Garden” and go make up your own UI theme on an android pos!

  2. i don’t care so much about icons these days. just functionality and reliability. we are entering the much ballyhooed post-pc era, well then the ability to control these devices has to be brought up to an enterprise level. so its good to see Apple is at least thinking about it.

    1. How is it even possible for iOS 7 to be enterprise ready when basic functionality like the ability to save and manipulate files within a hierarchical folder structure is missing. It’s ridiculous to speak of enteprise deployment in this day and age when the OS restricts the ability of enterprise users to manipulate files to the app that is associated with them.

        1. Well you see young one, it’s actually just the opposite. There’s too much than can be manipulated. People take their iPads and iPhones home and hand them to their children. Being a child yourself, you know how this is. Somehow the little darlings zoom right past Angry birds, and head into Mommy’s email, or calendar, or server access apps. The next day people all over the company wonder, “Gee, what happened to the executive calendar? It’s gone?”

      1. The ability to save and manipulate files with a hierarchical file structure isn’t missing; it’s designed out. See, a mobile device isn’t a PC, and it doesn’t need a file storage paradigm designed half a century ago.

        My computer is a damn mess… I have to “manage” my files to keep it from getting out of control… The last thing I need is to have to manage shit on my mobile device, too. Remember Palm Pilots in the 90’s? Those HAD a hierarchical file system, so by your logic, that should be a better business tool. Here’s a hint: It isn’t necessary, and is in fact, a hinderance.

        As for your other ridiculous statement, the OS restricting users to certain apps to manipulate certain files is PRECISELY the kind of thing the enterprise wants and likes.

        If you need a computer, then use a damn computer.

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