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Apple iOS 7’s design secret: Unleashing innovation

“A lot of the commentary around the iOS 7 has focused on appearance and usability, skeuomorphic vs flat, but Lars Hard, CTO and founder of Swedish AI specialists, Expertmaker, believes the real potential lies in the evolution of the iPhone and iPad towards a more 3D-centric environment,” Haydn Shaughnessy writes for Forbes. “The design itself, therefore, is a platform for innovation.”

“It is, Hard says, a first step in the direction of a richer mobile experience, and under the hood Apple is providing many of the tools needed for developers to exploit the richer user experiences that 3D effects will bring,” Shaughnessy writes. “‘They have made a first step towards more exciting user experiences,’ he told me on the phone from Malmö. ‘And these are all connected to the other things they are doing with iOS.'”

Shaughnessy writes, “The critical point is that iOS 7 design provides developers with far more opportunities to innovate.”

Read more in the full article here.

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