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BYOD boosts Macs vs. WIndows PCs: The final barriers to widespread Mac adoption in the enterprise are eroding

“The emergence of BYOD policies and virtual desktop platforms, plus new integration and management tools, have removed the final barriers to widespread Mac adoption in the enterprise,” John S. Webster writes for Network World.

“And while Macs still cost more than PCs, IT shops are looking at the bigger ROI picture and figuring that improvements in employee productivity, reduced help desk costs and better inherent security can offset the higher sticker price,” Webster writes. “‘Over the past 15 years, Apple targeted every argument against them and made them moot,’ says Matt Heric, CEO at IAVO Scientific, an engineering software development company in Durham, N.C.”

Webster writes, “After being a 100% PC shop, IAVO employees are now all on Macs. This even includes the company’s engineers, who once thought PCs would remain the primary tool in software engineering. Analysts are predicting that 2013 will be a big year for Macs in the enterprise. In a report released in mid-2012, Gartner forecasted that the Mac would see more than 20% year-over-year growth in the business market, while the PC would see about a 5% drop.”

Much more in the full article – recommended – here.

MacDailyNews Take: Suck it, IT Doofuses (not you newer ones, so much, you know which ones we mean). Your ignorant reign of turf-protecting productivity retardation is over!

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