‘Father of the iPod’ Tony Fadell on Apple’s unique design process (with video)

“Former Apple executive and current Nest CEO Tony Fadell played an instrumental part in Apple’s resurgence,” Yoni Heisler reports for Network World. “Indeed, Fadell joined Apple in February 2001 where he got to work designing the original iPod. Less than one year later, on October 23, 2001, Steve Jobs introduced the iPod to the world, and the rest, as they say, is history… While at Apple, Fadell helped develop 18 generations of iPods and the first three generations of the iPhone.”

“Speaking at the Bloomberg Design Conference this week, Fadell opined on such differences while using his experience at Apple and Philips as an example,” Heisler reports. “Fadell explained that a key and yet often overlooked difference between Apple and other tech companies is that Apple ships 99% of the products that pass certain internal milestones. By way of contrast, during Fadell’s tenure at Philips – where he was charged with overseeing the company’s audio strategy – the iPod guru noted that Philips would axe 9 projects out of 10, even if a particular product was about to ship.”

Heisler reports, “That can’t be good for morale and certainly lends itself towards creating a corporate culture where employees feel as if their work doesn’t really matter all that much.”

Read more in the full article here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Fred Mertz” for the heads up.]


  1. To be fair, father of iPod was Steven Jobs. He had idea that Apple needs to make breakthrough music player, since he hated what was around at the time. Fadell was father, too, but on lower, hardware level; Jobs liked his ideas for hardware implementation of the player.

        1. Yep I’ve seen an interview when jobs was at NeXT and he basically described the iPad we now hold in our hands.

          Visionary indeed. Jobs was the John Browning of Tech.

        2. What an insult to Steve Jobs! To compare him to a gun manufacturer? Browning was the root of most of the evil in the US today when he created a gun culture that now terrorizes the US teachers, children and parents.

        3. Give it a rest bozo. Browning “was the root of most of the evil in the US today”? A gun culture that terrorizes? Really??

          You libs really can’t perceive of what terror really is – hint – it starts with something called “terrorists” and “criminals”, not a gun. A “gun” is an inanimate object that by itself is incapable of “terrorizing the US teachers, children, and parents” that you so childishly cite.

          BTW, the 2nd Admendment is here to stay. Get over it…

          Libs… ya gotta love em”

        4. “Terrorists” terrorize far fewer people than scumbags with guns.

          Other countries don’t have scumbags with guns.

          They have scumbags, but the scumbags have no guns.

          Now if you’re afraid to walk down the street at night or in some communities, as many Americans are, because you’re terrified of scumbags with guns… You tell me, isn’t the presence of the gun the real terrorist?

          If they feel safe walking down the street, don’t the people of those other countries have more “freedom”?

        5. @ Rorschach, no you don’t. The UK may be higher than a number of countries, but it’s still a drop in the bucket compared to the US. Insignificant.

        6. Yeah, that guy would really put terror into the teachers and children if he ran around with his finger pointing at them instead of a gun. If you don’t make guns and ammunition, no one will get shot. Perhaps the name you called me is misplaced and maybe a little closer to home.

        7. Would that be the simplified, NRA version, “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” or what the Constitution actually says “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”?

          Want to play bang, bang? Join the National Guard.

        8. I’ll listen to the US Supreme Court vs. your opinion any time of the day.

          We have an individual right to bear arms.

          Can’t handle it then maybe you can pack up and move to a country more fitting for a man who wants to be a peasant follower.

        9. The Supreme Court says: Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms.

          But they missed the intent. It was one sentence. No matter how much fancy dancing they do, Scalia being the best, the framers did not say “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state,they are a pretty good idea. That notwithstanding, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” One sentence should not be pried apart to alter its intent.

        10. If we take your hysterics out of the picture and look at these two men from a design stand point and look at the impact each man had in their respective industries then yes they are in the same league.

        11. I will reply to both of you. What somebody designs should be beside the point; the point is the significance of the design, or the process involved, whether the subject is mousetraps or hearing aids. I regard Browning more like Mozart than like Jobs. Browning put out a lot of clever designs for all types of firearms, some of which are the still basis of current guns. He may have been an out-of-the-box type of thinker; I am not sure. I do not think Browning was quite the visionary that Jobs was.

          P.S. I am a liberal who believes in self-defense, and also appreciates ergonomics and good design.

        12. “The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil interference – they deserve a place of honor with all that’s good”
          — George Washington

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