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Unemployed? Buy an iPhone

“The recent U.S. election campaign was fought on economy and jobs. With an unemployment rate near 8% on the Election Day, jobs were the overwhelming concern of U.S. voters. So when 12 million unemployed people in the U.S. and those under-employed ask, “No job, now what?” the answer for the crowd may actually lie in the crowd,” Reuven Gorsht, SAP’s Vice-President, Customer Strategy, writes for Forbes.

“With the emergence of crowd business models and virtual marketplaces to connect employers to a broad base of employees, crowdsourcing is quickly turning into more than making a few dollars on the side,” Gorsht writes. “The U.S. already has over 42 million (and growing) freelancers ranging from lawyers, accountants, childcare workers, photographers, graphic designers and other specialized professions.”

Gorsht writes, “While unemployment will not be eradicated completely, in this age of hyper connectivity, many new opportunities emerge for both employees and employers. The challenge is that we have to rethink employment beyond a traditional full time career. As employment continues to evolve and transform, the nature of employment will become dynamic and specialized, with a large part of the global workforce connecting to their iPhones each day, checking their assignments and getting to work.”

Read more in the full article here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Fred Mertz” for the heads up.]

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