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Laurene Powell Jobs looks to create bipartisan support for DREAM Act immigration reform

“Immigration reform has a fierce new ally: the wealthiest woman in Silicon Valley,” Michelle Quinn reports for Politico. “Laurene Powell Jobs, the widow of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, has made helping undocumented children get on a path to citizenship her cause, swinging through Washington to meet with lawmakers, including Sens. Marco Rubio and Dick Durbin, and Rep. Kevin McCarthy, key players in a brewing battle over immigration reform.”

“‘She is a great advocate for the DREAM Act,’ said Durbin. The Illinois Democrat sponsored the failed bill to offer a path to citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants. ‘She has not only brought friends and supporters to the cause, she has also done great research work on the issue,'” Quinn reports. “During a late November trip to the Hill, Powell Jobs met with Durbin and McCarthy, the House Republican whip. Her goal, they said, is to help create bipartisan support for the DREAM Act, which would give eligible young people a six-year path to citizenship.”

Quinn reports, “Powell Jobs declined to sit for an interview with POLITICO. A spokeswoman noted ‘how appreciative Laurene was for the time with those congressional Democrats and Republicans who recognize the important children’s issues represented by the DREAM Act.'”

“As the debate over immigration reform is expected to heat up next year, Powell Jobs is poised to play a bigger role in pushing Congress to enact legislative reforms. In late November, she met with Durbin to discuss research she commissioned from Republican pollster Luntz Global about immigration,” Quinn reports. “Powell Jobs has suggested that the debate needs to be reframed to emphasize that the DREAM Act isn’t about giving handouts; it would require young people to earn citizenship through military service or getting a degree.”

Much more in the full article here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews readers too numerous to mention individually for the heads up.]

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