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Jim Cramer: Buy Apple stock over Google

“Buy shares of Google (GOOG) or Apple (AAPL)? That’s the question on many tech investors’ minds,” Scott Rutt reports for TheStreet.

“Jim Cramer told Debra Borchardt at Monday that he’s sticking with Apple,” Rutt reports, “a stock he owns for his charitable trust, Action Alerts PLUS.”

Rutt reports, “He said the Android operating system doesn’t make Google as much as Apple makes from its iOS platform and even in advertising, Google’s bread and butter, the transition to mobile has been challenging. Cramer reminded viewers that Google has a higher multiple than Apple as well, which is why he continues to prefer Apple, which is now well off its highs.”

More info and video in the full article here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “David E.” for the heads up.]

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