Study: Apple’s iPad dominates tablet web traffic with 94.64% share

“What do you think of when you hear the word ‘tablet?’ For most it would be Apple or, more specifically, the iPad. When the iPad was released in 2010 it quickly gained popularity amongst the masses,” Chitika Insights reports. “Since then the market share held by Apple’s iPad has been increasing steadily.”

“While it is a widely known fact that the iPad (one, two, or ‘new’) is immensely popular, we here at Chitika Insights wondered how we could quantify just how popular these tablets are by digging into our network data. Our results were quite interesting, though not very surprising,” Chitika Insights reports. In conducting this analysis, we queried our vast ad network for impressions stemming from a tablet of any sort. From there we sorted our data into categories of the various tablet devices. As we had hypothesized, the iPad was overwhelmingly dominant versus the competition.”

Chitika Insights reports, “Based off of impressions across our network, the iPad accounted for 94.64% of all tablet based traffic. This is impressive in and of itself but to put this number into perspective, the next closest competitor, the Samsung Galaxy tablet, boasts a lack luster market share of 1.22%. Coming in last, in respect to traffic share, was the Barnes and Noble Nook with a meager 0.53% traffic share. In defense of the Nook, it is used primarily as an e-reader, with the capabilities of a tablet.”

Chitika: Apple iPad Accounts for 94.64% of all Tablet Web Traffic

“Going forward the competition is going to be hard pressed to find a way to overthrow the seemingly omnipotent Apple. Not only do they offer a great product they have the undying devotion of their enthusiasts,” Chitika Insights reports. “Thus far Apple’s iPad offering has been able to thwart any attempt by competitors to develop a rival (or even equivalent product). Apple produces a product that is both aesthetically pleasing and technologically robust.”

“It will be interesting to see what the future holds for both Apple and the other market players. Historically speaking, new tablet products have yet to be a panacea. Increasing market share will be imperative for all tablet producers in the future if they want to remain competitive,” Chitika Insights reports. “The tablet has become an increasingly popular computing device and it seems evident that this trend will be persistent in the future.”

Chitika Insights reports, “With a flourishing middle class in China and an increasing appetite for quasi-luxury goods overall in the region, Asia will be a hot market for tablets in the future. Last year tablet sales in six South East Asian countries were $962 million. What is more, that same region has a penchant for Android operating systems; this could be big for tablet producers (sans Apple), though the iPad remains immensely popular across all corners of the globe. Experts at research group Gartner believe that Apple will sell 148 million iPad’s in the year 2015.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: n other words, there is no “tablet market” of which to speak, there is only an iPad market – or to be even more succinct: Bloodbath.


  1. When I hear the word ‘tablet’ I think of Amazon Nook. Apple makes iPads, not tablets. Apple has defined its own market. The others are trying (badly) to define the ‘tablet’ market. 🙂

  2. When I hear the word ‘tablet,’ I think of something I keep in a bottle in the medicine cabinet. When I think of a modern clipboard, I think of an iPad. (For that matter, ‘clipboard’ would be a better name.)

    Apple has retail stores, so for them, “sales” means sales to consumers. Other manufacturers can only count sales to distributors. They aren’t dishonest, but they aren’t comparable, either.

    The article says, “Going forward the competition is going to be hard pressed to find a way…” I think that’s the problem right there. They aren’t going forward, they are going backward.

    It’s like driving a car. If you follow someone, you can never pass them. They need to come up with their own ideas.

  3. Sheesh, you have to admit it doesn’t look particularly promising for the current breed of “competition” for the iPad right now.

    But don’t worry, RIM will have a professional tablet and operating system on the market soon that will decimate the iPad and revitalize that company like gangbusters. Really!

    No, seriously! C’mon – I’m not joking! It’s coming! You just wait! RIM will emerge the winner!

    1. Yhea, I understand Stevie Balmy of M$ is going to partner with RIM in the ‘tablet’ market, they’re going to had a digital assistant called ‘Clipper Bob’ after M$ two most successful assistants, Office Bob and Clippy. 🙂

    1. … iPad won’t run ANY OSX apps, right? I’m not putting the iPad down, just making a point about YOUR comment.
      The iPad has a whole bunch of apps already. Sure, most are nothing serious and best used as jokes. Still more are great for “some other guy”. Still leaves a lot of dandy apps for any individual user. Windows doesn’t have anything like that.

      1. Of course, I know. I’ve been a Mac user for over 20 years and own the iPad 2 as well. My point is that MS has to start from scratch for the WP8 tablets when they’ve always touted backwards compatibility in the past for the PCs.

        1. … setting two standards, with your statements.
          The iPad was introduced with a mere handful of apps available, several of which were “reduced” versions of the OSX originals. Things rapidly got better from there.
          MS could (hah!) follow a like pattern. Could!

        2. Of course, MS *could*. But it’d’ be very difficult because, this time, Apple is the one with the first mover advantage and now has a very big lead not only with the iPad, but with the iPhone tied in together – i.e., the entire ecosystem. If the WP8 tablets are able to run all the PC apps, then I do think MS would have had a good chance of making a sizable dent in the tablet market.

          I’m just saying that it’ll be that much more difficult for MS to start from scratch and catch up when Apple will have around 100 million iPads and hundreds of thousands of iPad-specific apps out there by the time the WP8 tablets hit the market.

  4. I hope that Apple’s massive percentage of network traffic will not stifle future development and design for the iPad, or Apple’s interests in expanding user experiences in wireless services.

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