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Forrester CEO: Apple won’t be a ‘great company’ in five years, Tim Cook a ‘mismatch’

Teresa Rivas reports for Barron’s, “Forrester Research CEO George Colony elaborated his caution about Apple (AAPL) to the Wall Street Journal, in response to his recent blog post warning that the company will decline in a post-Steve Jobs era.”

Rivas reports, “In defending his position, Colony said ‘Tim Cook is a competent and proven leader, but he’s just a mismatch with a charismatically-driven organization like Apple. Apple will be a very good company five years from now but it won’t be this great company that we’ve come to know.'”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Keep on digging, Georgie!

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Fred Mertz” for the heads up.]

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