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Why happy Apple users will buy the iPhone 5

“You only need to look at the high satisfaction ratings among Apple customers to get a hint at the kind of customer happiness which drives those all-night queues and cheering crowds for each major product refresh,” Jonny Evans reports for Computerworld. “The Vocalabs survey found Apple to have the most well-regarded customer service in many industries. By which I mean — when people call Apple support, they tend to leave happy. The survey was conducted across 15 months in the form of over 7,000 interviews. Other firms looked at included HP, Dell, AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, Verizon, Bank of America, Chase, Citi and Wells Fargo.”

“The researchers found that: “Apple customers leave the support call experience very satisfied, far more so than most other of the companies surveyed,’ reports MacNN,” Evans reports. “In comparison, customers leaving a Dell support call were four times less likely to feel this way, while those quitting an HP helpline were an astonishing six times less likely to feel very satisfied.”

Evans writes, “These industry-defining levels of customer satisfaction are seen across the firm’s operations. Take a look at last December’s Changewave survey of iPhone 4S user satisfaction. iPhone 4S satisfaction ratings were found to be even higher than those found in a July 2010 survey of iPhone 4 new owners. This translates into an incredibly loyal global following of iPhone users. A growing and consolidated market of users who are inevitably prepared to invest in a new Mac, a new iPad or the next iPhone.”

Read more in the full article here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Fred Mertz” for the heads up.]

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