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WSJ reviews Apple iCloud: Worked without a hitch, plus it’s free

“Apple devices can be addictive: People buy one tiny iPod, fall in love, and end up with three or four other Apple products. Now if only they could see all their data on all those devices simultaneously,” Katherine Boehret reports for The Wall Street Journal. “Starting today, they can.”

“iCloud is designed to store and replicate documents, music, apps and 1,000 photos on [Macs], PCs, the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad,” Boehret reports. “It also syncs contacts, calendars and email so all your machines and devices have the same data and content. It will back up five gigabytes of data, but certain types aren’t counted against that total. The best part: It’s free.”

Boehret reports, “I’ve been testing the 4S for about a week to see how it differs from the previous model.. iCloud worked without a hitch — well enough that I stopped thinking about which device held what since they were all updated with the same content. Over the weekend, I imported 300 photos my parents took on a recent trip to Italy, forgetting that my computer was set up with iCloud. When I picked up my iPhone later, the Grand Canal in Venice and the Duomo in Florence were staring back at me in Photos. Same with my iPad.”

Read more in the full article here.

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