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Microsoft claims Windows Phone now the only ‘equal opportunity’ platform

“Microsoft’s Windows Phone president Andy Lees seized the opportunity of the Google buyout of Motorola to claim perceived superiority in smartphones,” Electronista reports.

“In a statement, he argued that Android now couldn’t be trusted because Google would invariably give Motorola preferential treatment,” Electronista reports. “He sidestepped the question of whether the patents would help Google and instead portrayed Windows Phone as the ‘open’ platform.”

Electronista reports, “‘Investing in a broad and truly open mobile ecosystem is important for the industry and consumers alike, and Windows Phone is now the only platform that does so with equal opportunity for all partners,’ Lees said. While Windows Phone is now more equal, the statement carries a degree of irony given Microsoft’s attempt to replicate the tightly integrated but more closed ecosystem of Apple, not Google.”

Read more in the full article here.

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