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Why Apple scares the Wintel PC assemblers

“On the surface, the answer should be the iPad and its eco system. But the iPad is a new category and while it is true they fear Apple’s potential of owning this market and making it hard to create products that are competitive, this is not the product that they fear the most,” Tim Bajarin writes for TechPinions.

“The product they fear the most is Apple’s MacBook Air,” Bajarin writes. “When Apple first introduced the MacBook Air, a lot of the PC vendors thought it was a gimmick.”

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“But when Apple also decided to kill their MacBooks, or their entry level laptops and only bring to market MacBook airs at prices close to their older entry level models, the PC vendors sat up and took note of this quickly,” Bajarin writes. “To them it signaled that Apple is getting ready to start a full out assault on what has been sacred territory for them. Sure, they can still create laptops under $500 and sell them all day long. But they also realized that Apple is now setting the bar for laptops at a new level by using the MacBook Air to help define the next generation of laptops and, they know that with Apple’s buying power and International reach Apple could price them even more aggressively in the very near future.”

Read more in the full article here.

Related article:
PC makers struggle to match MacBook Air pricing with ‘Ultrabooks’ – July 29, 2011

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