Apple releases iTunes 10.2.1

Apple today released iTunes 10.2.1.

What’s new in iTunes 10.2.1

• Sync with your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with iOS 4.3.

• Improved Home Sharing. Browse and play from your iTunes libraries with Home Sharing on any iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with iOS 4.3.

For information on the security content of this update, please visit:

Get iTunes 10.2.1 via Software Update or, in iTunes, “Check for Updates.”


    1. No. Recently Apple has been staggering updates like this. You need to update iTunes and iOS. If you spread out the update load it’s better for Apple–less server traffic all at once.. And better for you, as you won’t have to wait as long. And you’ll be less likely to run into version incompatibility.

      I’m glad they do things this way. It makes a lot of sense.

    1. Those guys in the UK who did the pseudo-benchmarks with the gold master release have already been the guinea pigs. Seems to work. I’ll upgrade straight away on Friday. I’m sure it will be snappy. 😉

  1. Can someone tell me where the whole “snappy” thing came from? I understand what it means obviously, but I always see people on here and MacRumors forums using it, so I’m wondering if it’s an inside joke or a reference to something.

    1. Certain words and phrases become catch phrases by overuse, which increases their usage. Examples here are snappy, bloodbath, SIAGTMBTTS (Sell it and give the money back to the shareholders), and imminent, to name just a few.

    2. People used to say, with apparent sincerity, that OS updates made their computers “snappier.” But this became such a trite expression, and was so often the only thing people could say about OS updates that had no other apparent effect, that it became a very noticeable trend. And from there it passed into a fad.

      I’m not sure what made “snappier” such a common word in the first place, but it is an easily grasped substitute for the longer and wordier “faster and more responsive.”

  2. “Examples here are ‘snappy’, ‘bloodbath’, ‘SIDAGTMBTTS’ (Shut it down and give the money back to the shareholders), and ‘imminent’, to name just a few.”

    Don’t forget ‘beleaguered’ and ‘for as long as it takes’….

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