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comScore: Apple iPhones account for 23% of business smartphones

David Sarno blogs for The Los Angeles Times, “Apple Inc.’s iPhone has earned itself close to a quarter of the business smartphone market, according to ComScore Inc.”

MacDailyNews Take: Remember this big stink from August? Now you know why our headline — NPD: Excluding corporate sales and using only 7 days of iPhone 4 sales, Android ‘leads’ in U.S. — remains most accurate headline on the Web regarding that so-called piece of “news.” To be crystal clear, the problem wasn’t NPD per se, but the piss poor reporting of NPD’s so-narrow-as-to-be-useless slice of information. As we wrote at the time, “If we concocted a ‘report’ that excluded the business market to show Apple’s Mac as #1… well, you can imagine. But, we have standards.”

In other words: Excluding Africa, the Middle East, and the Gobi Desert, Australia ‘leads’ in camel population.

Sarno continues, “The data set, from September, includes employees whose companies fully or partially pay their monthly smart phone bills. Not included are those who use their personal smart phone at work but are not reimbursed, nor those who foot the monthly bill for a company-supplied device. ComScore acknowledeges that the data set leaves out some people who use their personal smart phones for business purposes, but stood by the general picture painted by the numbers. ‘These numbers may not be a perfect measure of the enterprise market, but they should provide a reasonable quantitative representation of subscriber market share in that segment,’ said ComScore senior analyst Andrew Lipsman.”

Full article here.

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