Questions raised about blueprints for Steve Jobs’ house that surfaced earlier this week

Apple Store“It wasn’t quite on the level of its iPhone 4 prototype scoop last spring, but Gizmodo generated some nice buzz for itself Tuesday when it published what it claimed are the plans for Apple CEO Steve Jobs’ new house,” Philip Elmer-DeWitt reports for Fortune. “‘You knew Steve Jobs was tearing down his old mansion,’ the piece began. ‘You didn’t know what he was building in its place. Until now.'”

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Elmer-DeWitt reports, “That was good enough for CBS, ABC, the Huffington Post and a couple dozen more news outlets… Almost lost in all the breathless commentary was a story in Housing Watch that declared the plans a ‘fake.'”

Full article here.

MacDailyNews Note: We recently ran a poll that asked, “Can you trust an Apple-related report from Gizmodo?”

From 5,951 responses, the results:
• 44.78% – No. Never.
• 20.62% – Not now, but maybe sometime in the future.
• 14.01% – Yes, but it depends on what’s in each article.
• 13.06% – Unsure.
• 07.53% – Yes, unequivocally. Gizmodo can be objective.

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